Before my wife I were married, we asked each other what was the biggest fear we had about one another. My fear was she would be too indecisive, and would not be satisfied with the choices she made throughout our life together. Her largest fear …

Possibly Offensive | Probably Relevant | Always Honest
Before my wife I were married, we asked each other what was the biggest fear we had about one another. My fear was she would be too indecisive, and would not be satisfied with the choices she made throughout our life together. Her largest fear …
On May 30, our friend Oren Miller was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. This devastating disease carries an average life expectancy of 1 year. While we are diligently hopeful for more, we want to ensure Oren and Beth get help with medical bills, are …
It’s funny. It’s taken me about 31 years to really figure out the core building blocks of how opportunities are distributed. How a person comes to change their life. Why certain individuals are in power and have enormous influence over others. Why others simply have …
12:24pm My thoughts are clearly cloudy. I have the vision in front of me and finally have the keys to crank the ignition of the Ferrari I need to get me there. The road is hazy and unclear. I sit in idle. I’m waiting for …
Very bitter sweet. Genuine thanks in advance for spending your time to read my words I wanted to wait until my site transferred to its new home using this 100th post as my debut article. I’ve had some delays in getting there – technical issues, …
This is a featured iKJ Reader Guest Post by Author S. Ogungbemi Happy birthday son. As it’s become tradition for me to write you on your big day to share with you my thoughts and in my own way celebrate the man you are growing up …
I was reading an interesting blog post earlier entitled “Ashamed to be a Black Man” about the violence that black men perpetrate against black homosexuals. Several interesting points were made and I agree with the author, D. Kevin McNeir, about the difficulties of being proud to be part …
My Thai Momma Hey Mom – Happy Mother’s Day. I haven’t always gotten you the best presents for Mother’s Day. In fact, over the years, I’ve rarely gotten you anything at all – even a card. It’s not out of a lack of caring, I …
From not being able to roll his body over to releasing him on his own equipped with only a backpack full of clothes and food, tomorrow will be my little man’s first day of school. Preschool montessori style, but school nonetheless. His younger years are …
I don’t really get into the VMA’s like I used to, but I’m not really in MTV’s demographic any longer. I’m 33, married and have never heard of half of their Artists to Watch. Sam Smith is the man tho. I do know that MTV …