Before my wife I were married, we asked each other what was the biggest fear we had about one another. My fear was she would be too indecisive, and would not be satisfied with the choices she made throughout our life together. Her largest fear …

Possibly Offensive | Probably Relevant | Always Honest
Before my wife I were married, we asked each other what was the biggest fear we had about one another. My fear was she would be too indecisive, and would not be satisfied with the choices she made throughout our life together. Her largest fear …
On May 30, our friend Oren Miller was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. This devastating disease carries an average life expectancy of 1 year. While we are diligently hopeful for more, we want to ensure Oren and Beth get help with medical bills, are …
It’s funny. It’s taken me about 31 years to really figure out the core building blocks of how opportunities are distributed. How a person comes to change their life. Why certain individuals are in power and have enormous influence over others. Why others simply have …
So the great Robin Williams committed suicide by hanging himself after a lifelong battle with depression. His death has sparked many voices to speak up on the condition. Days prior, ran an article discussing lifting the stigma of depression and entrepreneurs. They seem to …
Very bitter sweet. Genuine thanks in advance for spending your time to read my words I wanted to wait until my site transferred to its new home using this 100th post as my debut article. I’ve had some delays in getting there – technical issues, …
Everyone is eventually taught to how to get used to the steady. The nice and slow. The easily anticipated. We’re not really born steady. We’re born full of emotion and curiosity. With an endless notion of wonder. Childlike wonder was so common to all of …
I was reading an interesting blog post earlier entitled “Ashamed to be a Black Man” about the violence that black men perpetrate against black homosexuals. Several interesting points were made and I agree with the author, D. Kevin McNeir, about the difficulties of being proud to be part …
[bonafide] is here to highlight artists I feel are in the process of greatness. These are the rare combination of talent+hustle+smarts to make major waves not just in their craft, but all the surrounding industries and businesses. Everyday people consistently doing incredible things one goal …
From Huffington Post: For billions of years, the history of life has been written with just four letters — A, T, C and G, the labels given to the DNA subunits contained in all organisms. That alphabet has just grown longer, researchers announce, with the …
10:36 pm This is the exercise I tell my friends to do when they’re having a difficult time communicating what they’re going through. Write. For 15 minutes, carve out 15 minutes and write whatever the hell comes to mind. I’m a big fan of taking …